2022 FASCA Princeton Training Camp application link and application rules are now ready! You can register for the camp as TA starting tomorrow, 6/1/22. Please forward this email to ones who likes to join us as new member:) Attached please find the camp application rules and camp letter in this email. Click link below to start on-line registration:

Registration link: https://forms.gle/n76cp3w7rjc5jo7a8

This year the 2 days training camp is on August 13th and 14th (Rain day is 8/20). After completing the two days training, each new applicant will receive a 24 hours volunteer certificate at the end of training camp and officially become a FASCA member to join any FASCA activities! Each TA will receive a 26 hours volunteer certificate after completing the two days training.

All applicants require to have Gmail account, one Gmail per each applicant. Please follow the application rules and complete the online registration included uploading the application photo, insurance ID, school report card and/or supporting certificates, etc. The student photo is limited to the size of 120 x 150 pixels (please reduce the photo size first then upload).

Once completed online registration, FASCA counselors will process the files reviewing. After review and acceptance by FASCA counselors, please wait for acceptance email confirmation, then mail hardcopy of application form, required documents and check (if pay by check) to Culture Center of TECO in NY, Attention Ms. Michelle Pao (133-32 41st Road, Flushing, NY 11355). Thank you!

各位家長及學生 大家好,

歡迎加入我們FASCA行列!今年志工培訓營日期是8月13-14日 (如果下雨改為8月20日). 隨附請見 2022 FASCA Princeton 培訓營學員申請規則! 在完成兩天培訓後,每位新生將獲得由紐約華僑文教服務中心發的24小時培訓證明成為正式會員,並可以開始參加FASCA 的活動! 完成兩天培訓後,每位TA將獲得由紐約華僑文教服務中心發的26小時培訓證明.

申請表電子連結: https://forms.gle/n76cp3w7rjc5jo7a8

每位申請學生必須要有一個Gmail 電郵地址。培訓營採用電子申請,請學生家長遵照申請規則、進入連結在網上跟著步驟填完填表並請上傳學生照片、保險卡、高中成績單、獎狀等照片。上傳學生的照片要先縮小到 120 x 150 pixels再上傳

完成線上申請後,諮詢導師將會對其申請資料及文件進行審核。等待審核通過後會 email 通知家長下一步將文件及支票(若選此付申請費: 抬頭開ANJCS - FASCA) 郵寄給文教中心的鮑璐玲小姐(133-32 41st Road, Flushing, NY 11355)謝謝!


FASCA Princeton Counselor

Tina Liu, Bright Lin, Vincent Yang

2022 FASCA NJ Training Camp Letter.pdf
2022 FASCA Princeton Training Camp ruels.pdf